Rosehips, Pecan Squares and Dads


Things I have learnt this week:

  • If I am going to successfully run my new little business then I have to spend more time working and less time socialising.  Seeing friends in the week is such a novelty though!
  • Dads do not appreciate candle-light during the day ("It's like night-time in here, can we put a light on or something?").
  • I have an obsession with rosehips, snowberries and winter foliage.  And glass box candle holders to put them in.
  • Dads do not appreciate dried hydrangeas ("it's a bunch of dead flowers!" said with bemusement).
  • Americans know a thing or two about baking.  Martha's pecan squares were amazing!  A hit with everyone.
  • Dads are brilliant for popping over and helping with woodwork projects (display boards for my fair stands) and curtain hanging (new red gingham curtains are up and looking gorgeous) requiring no thanks except endless cups of tea and a roast beef dinner.

I am planning a busy week starting with my first two supplier orders arriving tomorrow.  I'm so psyched for their arrival that I'm practically bouncing around on my toes at the door, like a tennis player.  Really excited to get everything and list on the website - just hoping everything goes smoothly.  Oh, and if you liked the rustic wire lantern in my last post you'll be pleased to hear that my first lot are landing here next Friday and I'll be shipping them straight out the door.  So many people have already emailed me and there's a bit of a waiting list.  Drop me an email if you're interested too, they are gorgeous and perfect year-round.  (£31 plus £3.50 p&p).  I love mine.  

Thanks for all of the lovely, supportive comments so far and, especially thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  I really appreciate you popping over and will reply to all comments and questions you might like to leave. 

Have a great week! 


Flat Tyres and Toddlers

It takes a lot of energy to bark when you're little.

It takes a lot of energy to bark when you're little.


It is no longer a drag to get me out of bed in the mornings.  I practically bounce right out and into the shower.  This is a big thing for me - I have never been an early riser.  Husband and dog are both in a state of shock. I tell Andrew that it is my inner Maggie Thatcher rearing its ugly head now that I am A Business Owner (didn't she only need 5hrs sleep a night?) but, really, it's just because I'm happy.

I have been so busy and it is nice to work to my own agenda.  I have made time to see friends and family, but I've also got lots of things done to progress with The Little Green Door.

My sister got a flat tyre on Tuesday afternoon so I agreed to collect her from work and take her home.  Between her phoning at 10am and me fetching her at 3pm, I then found myself taking on the rather frantic mission of locating a pair of toddler toys and reserving them at a store for collection.  And so an impromptu road trip was declared.  With the girls being looked after elsewhere, it was nice to have a rare couple of hours alone with my sis to properly chat.  I cooed over the clothing section whilst we were there and stocked up on Christmas clothes for my lovely nieces, all of which went down very well (particularly with the 6-year-old) when we got home.  (The 16-month-old just looked unimpressed and toddled off clutching the sparkly tights.)

Said toddler came over to play yesterday with my mum and it took me most of the evening to recover.  I feel as though I spent the entire day following Ellie around in that slightly hunched position with my arms outstretched in case she stumbled.  And that girl can move at a fair lick, let me tell you.  It doesn't help that she has discovered stairs and our house has five small flights.  I think I must have scaled them ten times in total, at least, purely so that she could rummage through my cotton spools on the top floor and throw them across them room.  The living room is still a bit of a tip and I've been squinting with back ache all day, but it was lovely to see her.

Today, I've had a quiet day at home with the dog.  I faffed with candles and foliage, made uh-mazing pecan squares, stitched several gingerbread men (for sale at the Christmas fair next week), ordered curtains for the landing (finally - red gingham) and organised delivery of my first stock order.  I've only bought a few things to start off and basically bought only the things that I like, kind of on a 'one-for-me-and-one-for-you' basis.  I've got some gorgeous little lanterns coming, together with a few zinc pieces and some lovely rustic copper Christmas baubles.  They'll be in the shop early next week, with a fair wind.  


New Beginnings

Hello! Thank you for coming over to visit me, whether you found me via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or just from a link on my old blog.  As you can see, I've moved to a new space on the internet.  Quite excitingly, for me at least, there are a lot of changes happening around here at the moment.


I left my job.  I LEFT MY JOB! Eek.  I think I might be having a mini mid-life crisis sans leopard print.  I am 39 on my next birthday (soon) and I have been thinking a lot about what I've done with my life so far and what I'd like to do with the next 40 years. 

I have spent the last decade working for a bank.  Whilst I loved the people and found the work interesting, it wasn't something I dreamed of doing as an 8 year old.  When I was 8 years old I wanted to be an author.  I still do.  

Don't get me wrong, I don't have ideas above my station.  I don't anticipate being the next Jane Austen.  I just craved more time to write happy, cosy, easy-reading fiction.  When you spend your days typing emails about net interest margins, diary openings and marketing campaigns, the last thing you feel like doing in the evening is stare at a laptop.  I also started to become uncomfortably aware that my lifestyle was becoming a bit consumerist.  I have been working hard and spending hard.  Cash-rich (sorta) and time-poor.  I feel ready for a change of pace.

So, I left the bank and I'm following a few dreams.  I am going to spend my days writing here on my blog, and working on my first novel.  To keep the wolf from the door (because we all know that writing rarely pays!), I'll also be opening a little online shop selling a carefully hand-picked selection of gorgeous homewares and pretty little extras hand-stitched by me.  I'll keep you posted, but it's coming soon!  

In the meantime, I'll be writing here about my new, more simple and less spendy, lifestyle.  As well as sharing my stitchy work and homewares collection, I'll also be talking about life in a 17th Century cottage and the leaky roofs, creaky beams, cooking and country walks.  It'll be a diary, too, with bits about places I've been and things I've done.  I'd love you to join me.  


(Don't be confused - I'm using my old 'homebird' drawings whilst I wait for new ones to be drawn up.  Just wanted to make it feel a bit more personal around here but this website is very much a work in progress!)