A new obsession and a pair of green shorts

I can’t stop thinking about a man I saw out running today. (To be clear, the man was running. I was a car passenger en route to hell Ikea, probably munching Quality Street.)

It’s not the man per se but his bottom. (That sounds worse.)

He was wearing a pair of unusually green lycra shorts and I cannot decide on the right name for the colour. They weren’t pea green; much lighter than that. But not lime green, celery green or Spring green. The word chartreuse keeps springing to mind. I must check. (Juliet where are you? We could discuss this for hours!)


I hope you’re having a restful and peaceful Christmas break. I am working a little and resting a lot. Staying up way past my bedtime reading books by the fire. Pottering away on a personal Christmas sketchbook project. Crocheting a mistletoe garland from Loop. In between all of that I’m writing copious notes for next year. To do lists, goals, places to visit… both work stuff and personal. I thought I’d write a blog post about my plans for next year, if that’s interesting?

Books are always on my Christmas Wish List and this year I’ve been gifted some beauties. I am fast becoming obsessed with an American professor and cartoonist called Lynda Barry. Drew bought me a couple of her books for Christmas and they are blowing my mind! Not only with the inspiration for things to write and draw (and NOTICE!) but also some philosophical observations that I can’t stop thinking about.

At first glance the books are not my style at all. They are reproduced pages of Professor Lynda’s graphic sketchbooks, syllabus notes and student work. Nothing beautiful on the face of it. But when you read the background, and consider the narrative, the drawings become interesting and alive.

It is nice to read something out of the ordinary and feel fired up. Nice to have something different to ponder. These books are going to be life-changing for me, I can feel it. And that is so exciting and energising!

I could go on and on. But there is a hot mince pie with cream calling my name so I will leave it there for today. I will definitely tell you more about Professor Lynda and her theories another day but in the meantime, if it has caught your interest then do catch one of her talks or online interviews.

Enjoy the rest of the Christmas break and the slow run up to a new year.

I am so grateful you are here and looking forward to spending another year chatting, stitching and sharing inspiration with each other.

Stay well. Love,

Nicki xx

PS I sent the pattern for the above little stitchery in a newsletter on Christmas Eve. If you dig through your junk mail you should find it!

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